


The Nines

‘The Nines’ project is a mixed-use development Gravity designed for OPUS at the intersection of Elbow Drive and Southland Drive in Calgary’s Southwood community (just south of Haysboro). This six-storey project features 13,500 sqft of retail space facing the streets and 85 apartments above. We designed the retail space to be subdividable into three bays. The structure of the commercial ground level is concrete while the residential levels above are wood-framed. The primary cladding of this development is textured glass-fibre reinforced concrete panels set against the warmth of wood-toned metal siding. 

This development is situated on a largely vacant lot beside the Southwood branch of the Calgary Public Library. Homes on the second to sixth-floor range in size from 470 to 1300 sqft and are available in one, two and three bedroom configurations. Every unit has a private balcony which are expressed as an egg-crate grid on the building facade. For the three-bedroom units, a larger balcony is separated into two zones with part accessible from the main bedroom and part from the living room. Parking for this development is provided by a single-level of underground parking, some surface parking, and secure bike storage on the main floor for residents. There are rooftop amenity spaces for both commercial and residential tenants.

One of the project challenges was burying an underground parkade within the limited depth available given the topographical slope from one corner of the site to the other. The goal was to achieve barrier free access from both streets and a welcoming streetscape for the main entry and the retail spaces along the public streets. We achieved this by providing barrier-free access from both Elbow Drive and Southland Drive given the slopes of both street and the site itself, and limits to the depth the parking garage could be sunk. By sloping the vehicle access down from the lane along the west side of the building before starting the underground ramp we were able to keep the garage shallow and the doors at street level.

This project was submitted for Building Permit in January of 2024 and Development Permit was released October, 2024. Construction is currently underway.

To learn more about this development, please visit OPUS’ website.


Number of Units 85
Total Commercial Floor Area 12010 SF
Total Residential Floor Area 72678 SF
Efficiency 85%
UPH 268.14
On Site Parking 100

Developer: OPUS
Architecture: Gravity Architecture
Visualization: Gravity Architecture
Civil: Richview Engineering
Landscape: SMM
Geotechnical: Beairsto&Associates
Structural: MWS Engineering Inc.
Mechanical/Plumbing: Reinbold Engineering Group
Electrical: Designcore Engineering Ltd.
Envelope: Sense Engineering
Interior Design: Jerilyn Wright + Associates
